The Winter Solstice ride was originally a Double (aka 200 miler) first conceived and ridden by the Bikeaholics in 1997 and has come and gone over the years. For the past few years most of the riders have been doing the abbreviated 110 mile version but there still are maniacal 200 milers in our midst. The next incarnation of this event is being led by yours truly on Saturday December 19, 2015
There’s a $10.00 fee requested to pay for lunch at Pinnacles (mile 100 for the 200M route and mile 55 for the 110M route) & SAG and $5.00 for the 70-milers for SAG. Register online here:
The tried and true 200M RideWithGPS route is at this link and the Excel route sheet is at this link. There is also a GPSIES version of the 200M route. The 200 milers launch at 5:00AM from 3965 Olga Drive, San Jose. Please let me know if you’re riding the 200M:
The 110M RideWithGPS route which is in the middle of the 200M route is at this link and the Excel route sheet is at this link. There is also a GPSIES version of the 110M route. We’re rolling at 7:30AM from Christmas Hill Park in Gilroy. The park is supposed to open at 6:00 but last year they didn’t open it until around 7:30. I’ll be there at around 7:00.
The 70M RideWithGPS route for the folks who just don’t have the time or inclination to ride so far is at this link and the Excel route sheet is at this link. There is also a GPSIES version of the 70M route. 70 milers also start at 7:30AM from Christmas Hill Park.
Photos from 2012 I took are at Picasa. In 2011 photos taken by Guy Bautista are at this link and the 2010 version I took are here.
There’s minimal support along the way, including a water and snack stop at Christmas Hill Park, Gilroy, and at Pinnacles turnaround point. We request $10 for lunch, SAG, and ACTC insurance (i.e., join the club). For the $10 fee, see the register link above. The weather should be great for this one.